Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants

8 Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants

Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants for greenery ambience, have become a practically essential element of interior decoration . The current urban trend is to install hanging plants, either as a pot on a macramé or as an installation on the wall or ceiling, looking for an industrial or bohemian look.  We explain which plants are the most suitable due to the simplicity of care,  what care they need and how they can best be used in the room.

Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants
Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants

Introduction to Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants:

Easy growing Indoor hanging houseplants have become increasingly popular in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. These beautiful plants add a touch of nature to any indoor space, creating a calming and soothing atmosphere. They are not only visually appealing but also offer a range of benefits for our physical and mental well-being.

One of the advantages of indoor hanging house plants is their ability to thrive in low light environments. Many people assume that indoor plants require direct sunlight to grow, but there are several species that can flourish in low light conditions. Whether you have a small apartment or an office with limited natural light, these Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants are the perfect solution to bring some greenery into your space.

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants

Benefits of easy growing indoor hanging houseplants:

Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants offer numerous benefits beyond their aesthetic appeal. Firstly, they help improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. This can have a positive impact on our overall health, as clean air is essential for respiratory function.

Moreover, studies have shown that Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants can reduce stress levels and improve mood. Their presence can create a sense of tranquility and promote relaxation, which is particularly beneficial in high-stress environments. Additionally, indoor plants have been found to enhance productivity and concentration, making them ideal for office spaces or study areas.

Factors to Consider When Choosing easy growing indoor hanging houseplants:

When selecting Easy growing Indoor hanging house plants, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. Firstly, consider the lighting conditions in your space. While many indoor plants can tolerate low light, some may require a bit more brightness to thrive. Assess the amount of natural light your space receives before making a decision.

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
best hanging indoor plants for low light

Another factor to consider is the size of the plant. Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants should be proportionate to the space they will occupy. If you have limited space, opt for smaller varieties that won’t overwhelm the area. Additionally, consider the care requirements of the plant. Some plants easy growing indoor hanging houseplants

Luxury home decoration with easy growing indoor hanging houseplants:

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants

But the benefits of Easy growing easy growing indoor hanging houseplants are not limited to physical and mental health. They can also add an elegant and modern look to the decoration of your home.

With so many different species of hanging plants and gorgeous pot options, you can easily find a plant that perfectly suits your personality and living space. Whether you like modern/minimalist or textured plants, there is a Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants to enhance your living spaces.

The Best easy growing indoor hanging houseplants for Low Light Environments:

1.Fish Bone Plant: 

fish bone plant
best plants for hanging pots indoor- fish bone plant

The Fish Bone Plant, also known as Epiphyllum anguliger, is a unique and visually striking Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants . Its flat, elongated leaves resemble fishbones, hence the name. This plant thrives in low light environments and can tolerate some neglect. It’s a great option for those who are new to indoor gardening or lack a green thumb.

2.Purple Petunia with White Spots:

purple petunia with white spots
purple petunia with white spots

 If you’re looking for a Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants with vibrant colors, the Purple Petunia with White Spots is an excellent choice. This plant produces beautiful purple flowers with distinct white spots. It can thrive in low light conditions and requires minimal care. The Purple Petunia with White Spots adds a pop of color to any indoor space.

3. Columnea:

best hanging indoor plants for low light
best hanging indoor plants for low light – Columnea plants

Columnea’ is a generic name that encompasses nearly 200 species of tropical origin and draws attention for the color of its flowers, which makes it an ideal indoor plant for decoration.

How to care for the Columnea: it should be placed in a well-lit but shady place, protected from direct rays of the sun. As for watering, it will be enough to regulate it once a week in summer and every two weeks in winter, since excess water in the substrate is one of its worst enemies. However, this easy growing indoor hanging houseplants does need a certain humidity, so it is advisable to spray it often. this is the best Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants.

4. Mistletoe cactus:

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants- mistletoe cactus

 This Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants of tropical origin normally grows on trees, but you can also get it in pots if you want to have it at home. It does not have leaves but is composed of long, thin and cylindrical stems that can reach up to several meters in length. In early spring it can give flowers, which are small and white .

How to care for the Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants mistletoe cactus: it needs bright spaces, although it can live in semi-shade; and moderate watering, once a week, although it will depend on the light it receives: the greater the amount of light, the more watering. It also appreciates having its stems sprayed from time to time.


 Rhipsalis plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants- Rhipsalis plants

It is a real eye-catcher.  Rhipsalis baccifera  differs from all other Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants in the oddly shaped, algae-like structure of its succulent leaves. It is evergreen and, although it belongs to the cactus family, it is an ornamental plant of the rainforest, which, by the way, can grow up to four meters long. What Rhipsalis with its aerial roots needs is soil rich in humus, a bright location, moderate temperature and weekly watering from below.

6. Dischidia:

Dischidia plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants -Dischidia

 Dischidia is a genus of plants that is also called million hearts plant, ant plant , or pregnant, since these insects tend to use the hollow leaves of the plant for their nests. It is an epiphytic and climbing perennial plant , which has its origin in tropical Southeast Asia and Australia. This easy growing indoor hanging houseplants has a large number of species, among which are the following:

Dischidia nummularia

Discidia ovata

Dischidia pectinoides

Dischidia platyphylla

Rafflesian dischidia

7. Tradescantia zebrina:

Tradescantia zebrina
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants- Tradescantia zebrina

Adding a Tradescantia zebrina to your collection is the perfect way to give a new color to your home. Its purple leaves attract a lot of attention and add a variation to your other (green) plants. To help keep this plant healthy, place it in an area with indirect sunlight, otherwise it can unfortunately get a little leaf burn. To keep her happy, make sure you don’t forget to water her regularly, because she likes slightly moist soil at all times.

8. IVY:

IVY Plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants- IVY

 Ivy is one of the most popular Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants to add indoors. Scientifically known as Hedera , it is a genus of climbing and easy growing indoor hanging houseplants that is popular in both outdoor gardening and interior decoration.

It is a fast-growing plant and its glossy green leaves are often distinctively shaped. It can grow as a Easy growing indoor hanging house plants or as a climbing plant outdoors.

9. Succulents :

best plants for hanging pots indoor- Succulents

There are many hanging plants that are succulents, such as donkey tail, Christmas cactus, rat tail or banana chain. Almost all hanging succulents drop their stems like a waterfall.

10. Soleirolia (Soleirolia soleirolii) : 

Soleirolia plants
best hanging indoor plants for low light- Soleirolia plants

With tiny leaves and different shades of green, the soleirolia is a creeping plant that can also be grown without problems indoors, no matter how dark they may be. In fact, it loves damp and shady places. When watering it, do so at the roots, placing the pot on a plate of water and letting the plant absorb the liquid element in the proportion it needs.

Proper Care Tips and Maintenance of Easy Indoor Hanging House Plants:

Hanging plant pots mean that your plant will be suspended from the ceiling with little to no floor time. This allows you to add layers to your indoor space and to create depth, making your room look bigger and even more spacious. Proper care and maintenance are crucial for the health and longevity of easy growing indoor hanging houseplants. Follow these hanging plant care tips to ensure that all your plants maintain their good health!

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants- Care Tips
  1. Choosing the Right Hanging Plants
  2. Selecting the Right Hanging plant Pots and Planters: Options for pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Hanging pots made of lightweight materials like plastic or ceramic are ideal for easy installation and maintenance.
  3. Use the Right Potting Mix and Soil for your Hanging Plants: Use a well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for indoor plants. Avoid using garden soil, as it can compact and hinder root growth.
  4. Find the Correct Placement
  5. Supporting and Maintaining Your Hanging Plants and Planters
  6. Fertilize Houseplants Periodically
  7. Propagate Houseplants When Needed
  8. Repot Overgrown Houseplants
  9. Remove Dust From Plants
  10. Prune and Pinch Back Houseplants
  11. Deadhead Flowers and Remove Dying Leaves
  12. Control Insect Pests
  13. Watch for Houseplant Diseases
  14. Establishing a Watering Routine: Most indoor hanging plants prefer slightly moist soil. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Check the moisture level of the soil regularly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.
  15. Lighting: While these plants can tolerate low light, they still need some natural or artificial light to thrive. Place them near windows or provide supplemental lighting if necessary.
  16. Humidity: Indoor environments are often dry, which can be detrimental to some plants. Increase humidity by misting the leaves or placing a tray of water near the plants.

Understanding the Sunlight Requirements of Indoor Hanging House Plants – Do Hoyas Like Direct Sunlight?

While most Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants can tolerate low light conditions, it’s important to understand their specific sunlight requirements. One commonly asked question is whether Hoyas like direct sunlight. The answer depends on the type of Hoya plant.

do hoyas like direct sunlight
do Hoya plants s like direct sunlight

Hoyas, also known as wax plants, generally prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, but too much can cause their leaves to burn. It’s best to place Hoyas near a window with filtered light or use sheer curtains to diffuse the sunlight.

Propagating Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants – Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Pilea:

Propagating Easy growing indoor hanging house plants is a rewarding way to expand your plant collection or share plants with friends. Pilea, also known as the Chinese Money Plant, is a popular choice for propagation due to its ease of care and rapid growth. Here’s a step-by-step guide to propagating Pilea:

how to propogate pilea
how to propogate pilea
  1. Choose a Healthy Parent Plant: Select a mature Pilea plant with healthy leaves and stems as the parent plant for propagation.
  2. Prep the Cutting: Take a stem cutting just below a leaf node using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Remove any lower leaves to leave a few nodes exposed.
  3. Rooting Hormone: Dip the cut end of the stem in a rooting hormone powder or gel to encourage root development.
  4. Plant the Cutting: Insert the cutting into a small pot filled with moist potting mix. Keep the soil lightly moist and place the pot in a warm, bright area with indirect light.
  5. Monitor and Care: Check the soil moisture regularly and mist the cutting to maintain humidity. After a few weeks, the cutting should develop roots, and you can transplant it into a larger pot.

Common Problems and Troubleshooting Tips for Easy growing indoor hanging houseplants:

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants

Despite their resilience, Easy growing indoor hanging house plants can sometimes face common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips for the most common problems:

  • Yellowing Leaves: Overwatering or nutrient deficiencies. Adjust watering and consider a balanced fertilizer.
  • Pests: Aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites are common. Use natural pest control like neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Wilting: Caused by underwatering or root rot. Check soil moisture and adjust watering.
  • Dropping Leaves: Sign of under or overwatering. Check soil dryness before watering.
  • Curling Leaves: Lack of water or low humidity. Maintain regular watering and consider humidity levels.
  • Browning Leaf Edges/Tips: Under or inconsistent watering. Water plants only when needed.
  • Lopsided Growth: Rotate your plant regularly for even exposure to sunlight.
  • Leggy/Sparse Growth: Not enough light. Move plant to a brighter location.


What is the fastest growing climbing plant?

Ivy is a fast-growing vine that’s perfect for covering walls or porches without needing support.

What is the name of the hanging succulent?

The succulent Senecio Serpens has stems that grow to about 12 centimeters and tend to hang outside the pot due to their weight.

What is the name of the climbing plant that is always green?

False Jasmine, or Trachelospermum jasminoide, is a beautiful climber with dense green foliage, numerous small white star-shaped flowers, and a strong fragrance.

How do you care for a hanging succulent?

This plant requires minimal watering. Overwatering can rot its roots, so water only when the soil is completely dry and avoid waterlogging.

How long does a vine live?

Ivy takes 8-10 years to flower, which may seem long but is relatively short considering its lifespan of up to 200 years.

What is the name of the good luck plant?

The Jade plant, also known as the money plant and scientifically named Crassula ovata, is an indoor plant known to attract good luck.

What is the plant that does not need water?

Cactus:  The cactus is the plant par excellence that requires little water, since you have to water it every 10 or 15 days in summer and every 20 or 40 days when it is cold. In addition, it is ideal for both outdoors and indoors and you can always put one on your office table because some are very small.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Easy Growing Indoor Hanging Houseplants for Low Light Environments

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants are a fantastic addition to any indoor space, bringing beauty and a sense of calm. With the right selection and care, you can enjoy the benefits of these plants even in low light environments. The Fish Bone Plant and Purple Petunia with White Spots are excellent choices for their ability to thrive in such conditions.

Easy growing indoor hanging house plants
Easy growing indoor hanging house plants

Remember to consider factors such as lighting, size, and care requirements when choosing indoor hanging house plants. Proper care and maintenance, including watering, lighting, and humidity, are essential for their well-being. Understanding the specific sunlight requirements of each plant is crucial, and propagating plants like Pilea can be a fun and rewarding experience.

By troubleshooting common problems and providing the necessary care, you can ensure the health and longevity of your indoor hanging house plants. So go ahead, create your own indoor oasis with these easy-growing plants for low light environments.

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